How to move through a personal challenge
Seeing another woman free makes us realise how trapped we are
I was having the most delicious conversation with my femme light leader Lorraine founder of The Soulful Word when she spilled out these 11 words…
Seeing another woman free makes us realise how trapped we are
I felt this was a great start to my day 4 story from The Unbound Story Sessions. I challenged myself to write for 5 minutes only as I wrote about a challenge in my past and how I moved through it.
The alchemical map to freedom
Keep calm
Keep calm
Keep Calm
This pattern keeps repeating. A door in my heart keeps opening. Then SLAM. Back shut again.
Little steps. Move on with your life. Know who you are.
Who are you?
Why are you here on this planet?
Good questions. Thanks for asking that one. Inner voice. Bold brave inner voice.
Tickets booked
Off I go…
To find out who I am
Fast forward ⏩ replay rewind ⏩ replay rewind ⏪ replay fast forward ⏩
The movie of my life in my mind playing over and over tracing the segments of the traces of clues…
Then boom like a stone rippling within the river
Suddenly I am glistening
I never wrote on the 5th day of the story sessions as it was my birthday. But you can find out here how I took the leap - fell deeply into my dreams of becoming an author 2 years ago on my 40th birthday.
This story I have shared is rather abstract I know. Yet doesn’t it feel familiar my love? That feeling of not knowing whether you are coming or going? not even knowing who you are anymore? After this experience I created a Soul Defining Roadmap so you too can start to ask yourself the questions your higher self wishes you to answer. Visit my Creatrix Store to see this beautiful journal which will be a friend to you through this time of transition.