No more hiding.
If you’re ready to expose your vocal vulnerability, uncover your potential and discover your unique frequency, I’ve got you.
It's time to get vocal, find your stage and shine in the spotlight in your fullest expression of truth and magnificence.
We all carry energy from the past that shows up in different ways - shame, grief, anger, fear - but most of us don’t know what to do with those big feelings; how to shake the rawest emotions from our cells and channel them into something potent.
It’s so easy to stay stuck for years in an energy that limits our growth, stunts our potential and leads us to push down our feelings and play small.
But with intuitive guidance, professional femtoring, accountability and structure, you can safely speak your truth, step onto stage and shine in your fullest expression
Like me, you’ve probably been lying to yourself for decades.
Hiding. Cowering. Staying away from the spotlight for fear of….
Fear of what?
Fear of shining bright and making others feel uncomfortable?
Fear of being judged?
Fear of actually being pretty damn amazing at something that lights up your heart?
Where is your unspoken verse?
How might life be different if you uncovered your natural rhythms, tapped into your pulsating magic and spoke from your core truth?
Like me, you’ve probably been lying to yourself for decades.
Hiding. Cowering. Staying away from the spotlight for fear of….
Fear of what?
Fear of shining bright and making others feel uncomfortable?
Fear of being judged?
Fear of actually being pretty damn amazing at something that lights up your heart?
Where is your unspoken verse?
How might life be different if you uncovered your natural rhythms, tapped into your pulsating magic and spoke from your core truth?
In AMPLIFICATION, you will be guided to come out from hiding…
To release yourself from all your false identities and remove the blocks that shield your resonance from who you were born to be, so you can step into your truth and lead a freedom driven life.
In this unique, safe and effective Femtoring space, you will experience multiple big O’s…
Order, Organisation and Opportunity
In AMPLIFICATION, you will be guided to come out from hiding…
To release yourself from all your false identities and remove the blocks that shield your resonance from who you were born to be, so you can step into your truth and lead a freedom driven life.
In this unique, safe and effective Femtoring space, you will experience multiple big O’s…
Order, Organisation and Opportunity

As a singer, motivational speaker and leader, Natalie teaches, guides and propels human souls back to, or into, their fullest expression.
Her Mission Realmer Soul skills are centred on organisation, creating order and keeping people accountable in a loving, heart-full space. She shines the light helping your cells to re-MEMBER and transmit the wisdom held within your cosmic blueprint.
She opens new channels for communication and offers tools to raise your vibration, align your resonance, enrich your vocal prowess and amplify your voice as a Universal Streaming Light Leader.
“Quantum Sound healing helped me to locate, accept and release this shame that had subconsciously been weighing me down for years.”
-Natalie Farrell

As a singer, motivational speaker and leader, Natalie teaches, guides and propels human souls back to, or into, their fullest expression.
Her Mission Realmer Soul skills are centred on organisation, creating order and keeping people accountable in a loving, heart-full space. She shines the light helping your cells to re-MEMBER and transmit the wisdom held within your cosmic blueprint.
She opens new channels for communication and offers tools to raise your vibration, align your resonance, enrich your vocal prowess and amplify your voice as a Universal Streaming Light Leader.
“Quantum Sound healing helped me to locate, accept and release the shame that had subconsciously been weighing me down for years.”
- Natalie Farrell

Cosmic Femtoring for all parts of HER
We all want the big dream but find it difficult to take action consistently; afraid of propelling ourselves too far into the spotlight or self-sabotaging and playing small. Always hiding.
What might happen if you allowed your true self to lead from your fullest expression?
AMPLIFICATION is a bespoke 7-stage programme that will bring you clarity, courage and confidence to show up in this world as the light leader you were born to be.
— Finding your way to clarity: The process-driven deep dive stage to identify all out-of-date problems to pull you out of denial and start to lay healthy, sustainable and deep-rooted foundations for the path ahead.
— Setting the space to be seen, heard and expressed: A deep “receiving” experience where Natalie holds you through somatic feminine embodiment and sound experience to close down false identities, awaken new cosmic law channels, activate “forgotten” DNA strands, consolidate and set The Freedom Framework to build life from your personal cosmic blueprint.
Curious? To discover the light within this incredible stage Natalie is waiting for your call. Book a Discovery Call Here.
Just a bit curious? To discover the light within this incredible stage Natalie is waiting for your call. Book a Discovery Call Here.
Still curious? To discover the light within this incredible stage Natalie is waiting for your call. Book a Discovery Call Here.
We love your curious nature. To discover the light within this incredible stage Natalie is waiting for your call. Book a Discovery Call Here.
Seriously seeking freedom as a light worker? To discover the light within this incredible stage Natalie is waiting for your call. Book a Discovery Call Here.
Because true transformation takes time, the amplification portal will be your light house, north star and companion for a period of at least 6 months.
AMPLIFICATION is a space for you to be yourself, unapologetically.
It is a journey for women who are done with hiding and playing small and want to feel confident showing up in their truth and standing proudly in their fullest expression.
It’s a journey that pushes through the veils, smashes down invisible barriers and cuts through the crap. A way of releasing generational baggage and softening into a whole-body hum.

I have created Amplification for all the voices fed up with being fed on falsisms; for all the voices that have been trapped for far too long. And for the ones that haven't had any air for so long, they are literally hoarse and exhausted from not being seen or heard.
For all the trapped birds in their cages who have forgotten how to sing and lost their true expression. For all the voices that were stopped in their tracks or put down like a dog without a home. Stopped in their prime and made to think that they were insignificant, ugly, disgusting, not worthy, and ridiculed for all the voices that went to exile. The heads that were chopped off for speaking up and the vocal cords of this truth-teller literally cut off with their head pinged into the ether without a final song.
Without a finale, without a swansong, without the adulation that they deserved for opening up and getting vocal.
Amplification is for all the people wishing to understand from a practical sense how to use their voice in a healthy way so that they can deliver speeches, sing in public, read a book out loud, and vocalise with confidence.
It is for people seeking a path to discover their full expression, to get out of their own way and use their voice as a tool for change.
Together, we’ll get vocal, embodying the velvet folds that reside within our throats. We’ll get vocal and step aside from the resistance and self vocal abstinence found. We’ll get back in connection with the vibration of our magical sound; the healing frequencies of our own voice as medicine for the self and for others.
Imagine a mother freely singing to her unborn baby, a daughter expressing her first words, a human rights protestor in free expression, a new singer-songwriter finally letting out her natural unadulterated sound.
Amplification will guide you to express the essence of your pure and real sounds; to regain, realign and resound your authority minus self-judgement. To sit comfortably and listen to your own voice and see beyond the sound; to notice the individual waves of sound that join together to create the final expression.
Expression knows no boundaries, it has no edges.
With love,
-Emma Sims Tera Mai™ Reiki Master & Seichem Practitioner
Expressions from the beginning stages
Natalie holds the space to be seen, heard and expressed. This is just the beginning for me but Natalie has helped me immensely during the initial stages. I cannot wait to deliver my talk with Natalie firmly by my side.
Natalie has such a beautiful way about her, kind, knowledgeable and professional. Her warm heart and intuitive guidance puts you immediately at ease. Natalie was who I knew could help me deliver my story for my first big event. I felt completely held in my amplification container to share my event in a way that brings together the spiritual and business worlds. Her clear communication allows you to feel you are doing this alongside someone who makes this experience feel safe as opposed to scarey.
Natalie is a powerful creator with a gift to see way beyond what is felt as a client. Can’t thank you enough Natalie xx
Expressions after completing all stages
I have been on the amplification journey with Natalie for the past year and I have loved every minute. Natalie is your voice in your pocket and puts warmth in your heart to know you are held every step of the way.
Her experience with NLP, voice femtoring and self development comes together in a beautiful mix to create a portal that allows you to fully step into the spotlight.I have found it very hard to share my story on many levels. Like Elsa with the gloves on my gift has been one of delicate nature to share with the world.
With Natalie’s guidance I now feel I could stand on that stage and own it. I feel so much more confident in myself and clear in my direction.
I’ve invested in myself and my business to continue to grow and evolve and help others do just the same with compassion. With love Emma x