Soul Reset - Rebalance Your Mind and Body

Sometimes we just need the savasana? Any body else with me. We get on to the yoga mat and just wish we could settle down and rest!

The body always knows exactly what it needs and although sometimes pushing through the tiredness can spark new energy I wanted to share a short little savasana meditation with you which will reset your soul. You can even skip reading this blog and download the audio right now, scroll all the way down to get straight into this beautiful soul relaxation method.

A little soul reset practise for when you need to rebalance your mind and body...

✨relax into the sound of silence and my voice. 

✨take one hand onto the tummy and one hand on to the heart and just enjoy tuning into feeling the movement.

✨ feeling the breath  releasing and expanding releasing and expanding...

✨ notice the quality of your breath. 

It may take a few practices to understand this, but the body begins to feel slower and the breath itself really slows down so you're you've reset yourself to a slower pace 

✨release the hands by your sude enjoying each breath.

✨ and the space between each breath

✨ now begin  to invite some movement back in by a slight wiggle of the toe, and the fingertips. Maybe flutter the eyes

✨then gently roll over onto one side and remain in this state of stillness and enjoy this state of rebalance as you have found time to reset the body. 

✨Whichever way you feel is best to come into the seated position, keeping your eyes closed. 

✨ bring the hands together and into your heart centre.

✨bow the chin towards the hands.

✨ inhale and then while you're here just very gently open the eyes so the eyes are gazing down towards the floor. 

Enjoy the slowness of bringing yourself back into full awareness as you gently lift your head.

Download the audio version below and enjoy relaxing even deeper into this beautiful 5 minute practise as you benefit from being guided through this short yet incredibly impactful soul reset for your mind, body and soul.


Can mindfulness improve the way you move? 


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