Quantum Sonic Sound Healing
Secrets of a sonic sound artist
This month sees the launch of my debut EP Born To Stand Out. So I felt it was a great time to introduce you to Cosmic Songbird and my work as a quantum sonic sound artist
What is a Quantum Sonic Sound Artist?
Who I be?
As an intuitive luminary I channel and transmute the energy and wisdom of our ancestors through sound and words to amplify the human experience.
What I be for you?
I carry a potent gift of healing for an exhausted, anxious and disconnected generation.
Why I be this for you?
To bless you with the power to truly see yourself, to trust your innate wisdom and to live a life aligned to your soul’s truth.
The word quantum in physics means:
a discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents
.In Physiology quantum relates to:
the unit quantity of acetylcholine released at a neuromuscular junction by a single synaptic vesicle, contributing a discrete small voltage to the measured end-plate potential.
In speech we often use the word quantum and leap together which represents:
a huge, often sudden, increase or advance in something.
All the above are identifiable within my field of work. The physics can be quantified and noticed in the difference the sound healing and music brings to my clients.
The acetylcholine is most certainly impacted within the biological charges and changes which occur within the body as an impact of the work.
And I take quantum leaps all the time within the field as a Soulpreneur to lead and guide others to also find the confidence and courage to take these sudden and advanced leaps for humanity and our collective soul’s progression.
I have been working within quantum fields for over 15 years now. I began describing myself in my late 20’s as a multi-potentialite. And later in my 30’s this evolved to the understanding of my whole SELF as a multidimensional being.
When we move beyond the non- progressive, conservative, restrictive conforms of conditioned living. We offer ourselves a chance to free up the reigns and start playing within the field of “multi'“ expressions and expansiveness. And when we allow ourselves to play within this field a space opens up within our lives.
Firstly: this space - when we begin to notice it is associated/perceived within the human brain as gaining/having more time
Secondly: as we spend more time in this newly found space - we recognise that more space becomes available to us
And within this concept of more space often referred to by Soulpreneurs as the void.Or in Japanese culture the Ma, the gap or space between, a reaction takes place. We have been taught through the generations that reactions are Science 🧪
But reactions can also be:
Emotional 😭
Natural 🌱
So many reactions are occurring on multi levels every second…every hour…every day…
The reaction that occurs when a human being recognises they have space+time = Cosmosis
Not osmosis
COSMOSIS: Becoming one with The Cosmos.
one of the central beliefs of Astronism stating that physical, spiritual, and intellectual union with the animate and whole entity known as The Cosmos is not only possible, but should be desirable as part of our existential purpose to progress and advance.
It is exactly this space between, the gap, that I am working in, through, into, around and under as an artist.. The frequency of the work I emit as a sonic sound artist moves into this space and creates upgrades and ignites cellular memories within the structures of our bodies lattice.
As a quantum sonic sound artist I work with multidimensional resources which show up within the physical form as sound waves:
To burst through Emotions
Heal deep and often unquantifiable hurts through hertz
Evolve neuro-plasticity + cellular intelligence
Singing You Into Alignment
Through the use of vocal expression and crystal bowls I guide you through your own unique intuitive sound healing journey. The sonic sound sessions help you:
clear the body of negative and unhealthy energetic blockages
bring your internal vibrations into alignment
release neurochemicals such as dopamine responsible for happiness.
bring the body back into a state of homeostasis
connect with your true inner nature
activate new codes
“ Natalie acts as a catalyst for profound transformation and her magical presence leaves you feeling grounded, safe and supported while simultaneously transporting you to a higher consciousness.” Lorraine Pannetier CEO Soul Brand Energy
It is such an honour and relief to be here within this quantum time frame to heal and revive exhausted, anxious and disconnected generations and reconnect them to their:
Pu or Uncarved Block and reinstate inner calm.
Light through the Alchemical process
Infinite multi potentiality
The vibration of the bowls and my voice seep through holes within your dna structures and prémiate to heal and reactivate information stored in your cells.
“Science has proved that the crystal lattice is very similar in form to the DNA double-helix structure and has an ability to store, reproduce, amplify, harmonise, and radiate electromagnetic forces.”
The Crystal Singing Bowls are here to sing us into alignment with our true nature, they each individually have an inherent and collective intelligence.” Genevra Jolie Founder of Crystal Singing Bowls UK.
Take a moment here to experience the sound of my beautiful AQUA AURA GOLD ALCHEMY™ CRYSTAL TONES® SINGING BOWL - it’s magic offers us time to relieve depression and anxiety and release the suffocating conditions of an over analytical mind.
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Many say that life entered the human body by the help of music, but the truth is that life itself is music" - Hafiz
I find it funny how music is considered one of the least important subjects with min the mainstream academic syllables. Because music holds keys (as well as being made up of keys) to help and guide our bodies to optimal health, inner vitality and live pain free.
It also teaches us to listen. Communicate. And feel.
This is a subject for another blog but I wanted to share with you 2 intriguing facts about how music and science have come together to prove music and vibration contain healing properties.
Dr.Peter Guy Manners, one of the earliest pioneers in sound healing developed the Cymatic Instrument in the 1950s. This specific instrument projected hundreds of different frequencies that are calibrated to strengthen parts of the human body.
Fascinating hey?
Dr Jeffery Thompson began creating brain entrainment through music in 1981 his medical motivation to use music as medicine was under the premise…
If you could control the speed of the firing of the neurone of the brainwaves you can control consciousness and when you control consciousness you can nudge the brain into new ways of being.
Music as medicine
My music offers the listener the chance to get out their own way and be transported through the vibration and to be washed by the waves of sound. This washing shoots right to the parts of the body that need it the most. Their is no asking the body just knows how to receive and where to receive it.
This raw Blend of Sonic Soundscapes, Therapeutic Trance and Cosmic Opera evolves our neuro-plasticity and opens more space for the light to emit within our cells. Described deliciously below by a femme Cosmic Sound Sister and founder and presenter of The Chi Time TV Clara Apollo…
“Each cell is a bio resonant capsule of light that emonates its signature in a conversation like sun and stars in a stream of photons brightening your presence in the frequency of the universe.”
The soundscapes are easier than meditation as they transport you via the natural occurring state of temperament which occurs as a reaction when any one or combination of notes is created within time. The brain moves rapidly through to Alpha state. This rapidly moves the body towards Cosmosis - activating your body on all levels and allowing multidimensional awakening, healing and activation to occur.
Experience this right now with The Unconscious Cacoon
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. And evolving your neurons. And opening to the concept of Cosmosis. If you’d like to experience an entire quantum sonic sound journey I have just released my debut EP. you can purchase it for £7 by clicking the link below.
Read more about the recording of this EP in my latest blog Born To Stand Out.