5 ways music can bring calmness into your life

The world of sound healing. What is it? How can it benefit you? And can music as medicine be the future solution for your path to calm? 


Let’s dive deep into the fascinating world of sound as a healing modality for your mind and body. Jump with the beat of its beneficial ways! As we get you ready to receive the delicious rewards of these oscillating waves. 


Benefit One – The Freedom Frequency 


For your body to prosper from healing it needs to be in receiving mode. To get into your ultimate healing mode you need to switch your mind from doing to being. We can look at this in another way. 


Sound as a healing mode acts as a frequency balancer. Switching your brain waves from the high-frequency message sending to the lower-frequency message sending. When you achieve this state of mind then you are in the best state to heal your body on all levels. 


 As the sound oscillates and creates waves the brain beings to align with these frequencies. Making it easier for you to relax and switch off. And before you know it you are in a delicious drowsy Theta brainwave state. 


Benefit Two – Nervous System Reboot 


It is here in the Theta state that the parasympathetic nervous system can fully switch on. This part of your nervous system is responsible for rest and restoration. The benefits are: 


·      Fewer breaths per minute 

·      Heart rate is lowered 

·      Blood is pumping more efficiently 

·      More oxygen received by the cells 


Each cell in your body is sighing with relief as you dive deeper into this experience. Plus, as everything is slowing down your nervous system has more time to recalibrate and reboot. As you allow the music to be medicine for your body to repair it starts to release great food for your body.


Benefit Three – Promotes Chemical Releases 


Happy. Relaxed. Calm. Uplifting. Ignited. 


These states are often expressed by clients after experiencing sound healing. Some often feel a greater sense of purpose and reconnected back to themselves. For others, they can sense stuck energy being removed and can see life from a fresh perspective. 


Bringing your body back to homeostasis 


When all the main 7 systems of the body: 

1.    Skeletal System

2.    Nervous System

3.    Endocrine System

4.    Cardiovascular System

5.    Lymphatic System

6.    Respiratory System

7.    Digestive System


Are working in balance and back in homeostasis neurochemicals such as dopamine and serotonin the chemicals produced in your brain and associated with happiness release naturally. Filtering into your body. And as you are all in balance you can finally benefit and feel the benefit of these natural happy hormones. 


Benefit Four – Internal Health Updates 


I literally felt like there was electricity in all my cells


The nervous system acts like an internal feedback system for our body and there is one nerve that is attached from the brain to the gut and is responsible for how the brain communicates with the organs and tissues.  


This nerve is called the vagus nerve. It is responsible for several key functions in the body and works best when the nervous system is functioning in PSN (parasympathetic nervous) tonus. 


Sound healing will help to tone the vagus nerve which in turn helps to: 


·      Deliver information from the gut to the brain more effectively 

·      Manage anxiety and stress 

·      Lower blood pressure 

·      Decrease inflammation 

·      Improve how the body communicates as a whole 


Benefit Five – Cultivating Crystal Clarity 


Ding! Dong! 


Literally, as the gong dings, the bells chime, and the sound bowls dong the body begins to receive crystal-clear signals. 

Ever felt that feeling? The feeling of being totally clear? 


Or found yourself saying that rings a bell! 


Or exclaiming receiving that crystal clear! 


This is what sound healing offers you crystal clear clarity both internally and externally. Along with improved sleep habits and patterns, more energy, increased libido, stabilized moods, and an incredible experience. 


You can experience the high activation of these sounds with my latest album released on iTunes

Born To Stand Out EP by Natalie Farrell Cosmic Songbird


Natalie Farrell is a leader in voice activation, intuitive sound healing, and linguistic psychology. With an accomplished 20+ year background in singing, voice coaching, presenting, and writing her work with Soulpreneurs acts as a catalyst for profound transformation guiding them to be fully visible within their field of expertise. 


In 2021, she published her first book, ‘Light The Way’ a powerful companion for modern-day change makers who are ready to go all-in and approach business and life the unconventional way. Her mission: to release reverberant voices. You can hear more of Natalie’s sonic soundscapes on Spotify, iTunes, and her Cosmic Songbird YouTube channel. 

Natalie Farrell

Natalie Farrell is a leader in voice activation, intuitive sound healing and linguistic psychology. With an accomplished 20+ year background in singing, voice coaching, presenting, and writing her work with Soulpreneurs acts as a catalyst for profound transformation guiding them to be fully visible within their field of expertise.

In 2021, she published her first book, ‘Light The Way’ a powerful companion for modern-day change makers who are ready to go all-in and approach business and life the unconventional way. Her mission: to release reverberant voices.


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