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15 incredible question every woman needs to ask herself

Becoming your own coach can seem a little daunting at first. So how do you begin to create a wellbeing toolkit that is aligned with your needs? And emanates such a natural glow all your fellow females will be happy for you and want to know your secrets! 

Great questions shift your mind in a transformative way and help emphasise, the nurturing effects of adopting a self-leadership role when it comes to self-improvement. Taking small steps is the most progressive way to approach change and eases you in gently. Asking questions like what is the next smallest step I can take right now keeps you motivated as you observe and reap the rewards from the time devoted to making the changes. 

Below are 4 steps and 15 incredible questions every woman needs to ask herself to heal from past traumas to be happy, confident, and comfortable in her own skin. 

Step 1 Curiosity – Digging deep into the why’s, who’s what’s how’s and when’s

  • Who did that serve?

  • What could you be happy about if you chose to be?

  • What would happen if you didn't do it?

  • Who else is this hurting?

Step 2 Clarification – Unblocking limiting beliefs and reframing the dilemmas 

  • Are these old beliefs out of balance now?

  • Is this giving you energy or draining you?

  • Are you using this to grow or are you beating yourself up?

  • When I am not feeling…how will I be different?

Step 3 Possibility – Stretching the mind and creating a wellbeing tool kit to support your own needs 

  • Is that a story or the truth?

  • What’s stopping me from loving myself?

  • Which step could you take that would make the biggest difference right now?

  • What brave move do I need to take towards my goal?


Step 4 Life-Changing- Meeting yourself in a potent way and loving yourself in all your magnificence 

  • Does this story empower you or disempower you?

  • What am I still saying about myself which is depleting my energy?

  • If I surrender and let go of control what opportunities will it bring to me?


Creating your own wellbeing toolkit 

Using techniques such as meditation, exercise, eating clean, mindfulness, and seeking support helps you to be more open and receptive to new possibilities. As you clear away the negative clutter you begin to create a beautiful series of actions that cleanse both your mind and body. As a result, you start to feel lighter and attract what’s right for you allowing new opportunities to arise. 

No one else could make me happy. Only I am responsible for that

If we ask the life-changing questions first and ignore steps 1-3, we can experience overwhelm and spiral into the self-fulfilling prophecy of not being good enough. Eventually, this can lead to giving up on yourself. And reversing the impact of the time dedicated to you.

Being your own guide leads you towards a happier and soul fuelled way of living. It will keep you on track and be accountable for yourself. So, you can:

1.   Consolidate your values

2.   Create new empowering beliefs 

3.   Help you to stop blaming others 

4.   Start taking responsibility for your own decisions 

5.   Lead a life fuelled by your soul 

Are you ready to make that bold move? 

Check out my free resources and make that bold move today


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