How to start creating video content for your business: the easy way
How many times have you decided to start creating video content for your business, only to press record and then… nothing! Your throat goes dry, your brain forgets everything it’s ever learned and you hear yourself spouting random combinations of words that could have been written by a 4-year-old!
Isn’t it frustrating?
Especially when you’ve gone to the trouble of setting up your background, blow-drying your hair, ironing your favorite top and putting on some make-up! (Ok, maybe not the ironing part!)
And the more times you go through this pattern, the more you beat yourself up about not being good enough. It hits your confidence and stops you from showing up in your truth.
If having deep and meaningful conversations with soul sisters in real life is so easy, why is showing up on camera so much harder?
Trust me, you’re not alone.
As someone with a background in singing and performing arts, I’ve seen this and experienced it myself so many times.
The turning point for me was learning specific techniques that allowed me to scan my body, release tension held in my muscles and open up to be a channel for the energy to pass through.
I’m sharing some of these key tips in my workshop today: ❤️HUM YOUR BODY INTO HARMONY❤️ Come and join in the fun - it might just change your relationship with video content forever!
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Allow the frequency mingles
Natalie x