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5 benefits of moving abroad

Why did you move to Spain?

This is a question I get asked ALOT!

So I thought I would take some time to debunk this decision for you Soulpreneurs to understand how movement makes movement within our lives.

Why did you move to Spain Natalie?

I always wanted to live abroad. I always knew I would leave the UK because life's short and there's so much more to explore, see and discover.

But there are 5 main reasons since being in Spain that I have come to understand are the REAL reasons why I moved to Spain.

1. Culture 

The biggest realisation since moving from Tunbridge Wells Kent U.K. to Andalusia in Spain is the difference in culture and how that threads in to every essence of your life. 

An example in England is that the shops/businesses close at five and if we think about that, word close, everything closes up. And for the greater part of the year people stay in rather than go outside. They close down early.

Cherrylicious share: This chica wants to stay open for as long as possible!

Whereas in Spain at 5pm everything opens up. Which means that you have more time in the day to

  • do the chores

  • to do the things on the to do list

  • to spread the work life out which I absolutely love and to enjoy. 

So that balanced lifestyle that so many people  are looking for is much more attainable. In fact it just seems to happen fall into place. 

2. Expansion 

We split our time between England, Spain and take 3 months a year to go on an adventure I just visited my 42nd country in 42 years as we travelled in 7 weeks to Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Colombia and El Salvador. 

As a freelance writer, singer and presenter and sonic sound artist I can take my work wherever I go. The exciting part of this is the new life abroad and all your discovery and learnings from the challenges it brings (including learning new language, systems, processes, traditions, driving on opposite side of the road!) become infused into your work. 

And this part of the moving experience I see it in terms of expansion. Expanding beyond the confines of what what we know/are used to/moving beyond our conditioning. 

I am so motivated to work and create and deepen my career since living here in Spain, because the energy that I receive here is so incredible.

I really feel I belong here. 

Being in the right environment. In this case a different country has helped me

  • be more rooted

  • to play with life more

  • I have more energy

  • I am the fittest and healthiest I’ve ever been

  • My skin is super clear

  • I have incredible friends the list continues…

It’s so easy to make work connections too as everyone is so open. Well travelled and have a willingness to take time out of their schedule to connect and see if we can help each other to grow - this I never found in England. 

3. Specific timeframes 

Working without permanent internet in the past 3 months as I travelled in South America was a blessing. 

There was something deeply satisfying about actually having to walk and go to find a Wi Fi to work. The benefit is you're not all consumed, you have a specific timeframe, to do the work and then to leave the work and then jump back into having fun and playing. which is something that I love to do. This allows you to ebb into the flow of a balanced life.

4. Going with the flow. 

Ultimately, we are all seeking freedom. Freedom within the life that we want to map out for ourselves. I am so glad that we made the decision to buy our campervan seven years ago and travel around Europe.

We took the fall. To explore the unknown. Be what I call the vagabond.

Leave your possessions for a while, take off your shoes and really immerse into the unfolding arms of the unknown. 

Living out of a small suitcase, which is what I have been doing for the last three months was ace. It makes you appreciate your home and beautiful things even more when you return. 

5. Packing light

I love this as a metaphor to leave your stuff behind, packing light offers you this chance to let go of your stuff and go explore. Dance with life. 

And now as the summer arrives I am packing in the light. I am waking up at 6am to fill the whole of my day with light. Yin yoga on the rooftop at 8pm and then sometimes we eat dinner as late as midnight outside still with the light of the sun and moon.

It’s incredible.

Hope you enjoyed these 5 benefits for moving abroad as a Soulpreneur.

I have many other blogs for you to enjoy and of course you can come find me over on instagram and also subscribe to my channel Cosmic Songbird on you tube.

Much love and light

Natalie xx