Good Vibes Only - How do your words and thoughts effect your emotions.
Celeste is a healer and mom of two boys. As a result of many emotional roller coaster events in her life, she became the founder of Evolutionary Celestial Healing. After training as a healer in which she raises your vibration and that of the planet, she realized that our emotions are the key to everything and that vibration and emotion are one and the same. This energy comes through her from the celestial plains that surround us and expands our consciousness which allows us to evolve spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. By raising your vibration you allow yourself to heal on a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level. Interacting with the frequencies allowed her to become them and they became her.
She found that our emotions are the portal to discovering different densities of reality and came across historical events that require us to re-connect after millennia of disconnection and de-evolution. As a facilitator of the Evolutionary Re-connexion, she reconnects you back into the planetary energy grid system, that extends out into the vast infinite field of information of the entire universe and activates your dormant strands of DNA.
Today she dedicates her time to raising awareness of how vibration is everything, and that this vibration is created by us all day long through our speech and our thoughts which provoke our emotions.
For more info visit Evolutionary Celestial Healing on facebook.